American Tourister Suitcases

A fake bag might also be sold at an unusually low price or without the original packaging. One of the most obvious differences between original and duplicate American Tourister luggage is their price. You can also contact us for any information required regardng American Tourister products. The combination lock will keep all your belongings safe, and the expandability allows extra luggage if needed. American Tourister did just that and has produced quality, tough-made bags and suitcases that travel in style.

For short trips and keeping your essentials close, a cabin size trolley bag is perfect. To acquire a balance between space and convenience, prefer medium luggage, ideal for trips lasting several days to a week. Large suitcases are generous in size; these suitcases are ideal for extended vacations, family travel, american tourister suitcase or journeys requiring extra packing space. With features like TSA Lock, Expander, Double Wheels, Garment Suiter, and Eco-Friendly, you can also buy trolley bags based on their type.

However, there are also some fake or duplicate products of this brand on the market. It is essential to understand the difference between original and duplicate American Tourister luggage so you can make an informed decision when purchasing American Tourister bags. This Hard Cabin Luggage From American Tourister Is made of strong & lightweight Polycarbonate Shells.

This suitcase also expands to offer an extra 1.5 inches of packing space. With the ability to expand to give you an all-important extra 1.5 inches of storage space, this case has a large interior packing compartment and a useful modesty pocket. The blouse pocket door panel takes care of your smaller items, and the crossed compression straps will keep your clothes neatly organized and free from wrinkles on the go. If you need lots of room to pack all of your belongings, but don’t want to compromise on style, this large, softside suitcase could be everything you dreamed of and more. Also available in 21- and 28-inch options and with a matching underseater, the 4 Kix range offers American Tourister quality in soft, yet incredibly durable packaging. The book-opening interior has 2 spacious compartments, while the zippered divider keeps your clothes neatly in place.

American Tourister is one of the biggest luggage brands in the world and its collections are sold in over 90 countries worldwide. When founder Sol Koffler started a small luggage company in Rhode Island back in 1933, the company offered suitcases that cost just a dollar. Away is one of the most popular luggage brands on the market, and our testing shows it actually lives up to its hype. Though the brand has a wide range of offerings, we especially love the hardside carry-on. Traveling can be a fun and memorable experience, but it is important to have the best luggage for your journey. Many people choose brands like American Tourister for their luggage because of their quality and durability.

There are many diverse options in design available in the American Tourister luggage collection- This ranges from classic to trendy and complements every traveller’s style. Calpak’s Ambeur carry-on (pictured here) was one of our testers’ favorites; they especially loved the easy-to-use telescopic handle and metallic color. We also found it to be easy to pack and though it wasn’t as scratch-resistant as some others we tested (which is expected for ABS composites), it still withstood dents and damage from our durability drop test. With high-quality luggage, backpacks, and accessories, American Tourister is a trusted global brand. On the other hand, duplicate luggage is often made with inferior materials that lack many of these added benefits. Additionally, it may not have all of the same features as its original counterpart or may be manufactured using faulty methods leading to premature wear and tear.

We were impressed with its hardside 20-inch spinner carry-on (pictured here) when we tested it on our Lab. Our analysts found it to be exceptionally easy to pack, though the american tourister bag ABS material wasn’t as scratch-resistant as other models in our tests. This style also comes in two other sizes (24 and 28 inches) and can be purchased as a two- or three-piece set. There are several reasons why it is important to know difference between original and duplicate american tourister luggage.

Designed especially with little hands in mind, the side-mounted skate wheels move seamlessly, and the dual-tube pull handle is incredibly easy for children to use. Perfect for the big kid in all of us, this Star Wars stormtrooper-themed suitcase is fun, funky, and fabulous as always. It’s got a sleek curved design and gorgeous graphics, but if a stormtrooper doesn’t take your fancy, there are Darth Vader, Boba Fett, C3PO, and other famous character versions available, too. This case has additional expansion capability, giving you extra inches for even more of your belongings. For further customer reassurance, American Tourister luggage comes with a 10-year global limited warranty.